Previous Episode: Episode 176 - 30 for 30

This week, Zach and Jeff have a low key episode, and talk about some recently played games, Like the Friday Night Marvel Champions Stream, Matroyshka, and another edition of the Kingdom Death Hour. In News, Cabo tries to figure out what deluxe means, and Lord of the Rings Journeys Through Middle Earth gets an expansion. In Kickstarter, QE and On Tour get a reprint, and The Network goes to two players. Some listener feedback closes out the show. 


00:00:48 - recording during super bowl 00:02:03 - What have we been playing?: Marvel Champions, Matroyshka, Root, Adventure game 00:27:20 - Midgame Banter Break! Oscar Shorts, Fast 9 Trailer, Picard  00:43:49 - Kingdom Death Hour 01:03:24 - News: Exit: The Stormy Flight 01:05:42 - News: Cabo: Deluxe 01:08:46 - News: Lord of the Rings: Shadowed Paths 01:11:43 - KS: Genotype 01:17:01 - KS: QE and On Tour Reprint 01:22:55 - KS: The Rival Networks 01:29:19 - Emails! 01:35:50 - BGG Feedback 01:39:51 - Grey Fox Game's Tortuga 2199 KS still going


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