Previous Episode: Episode 171 - The Good Kind
Next Episode: Episode 173 - Two Weeks

This week our hosts feast for Odin, rode a bike, and found out how Quirky some circuits can get. In News, Jame tries to figure out what is a game, and Board Games go on the People’s Court. God Dice and Unsettled vie for your money in Kickstarter. Some listener feedback closes out the show.


00:00:31 - Intro Banter! Featuring: Christmas!, Movies, Star Wars(no spoilers), Witcher, Watchmen, Hades

00:17:23 - What have we been playing?: Feast for Odin, Kids on Bikes, Wavelength, Star Realms, Quirky Circuits

00:48:13 - The Bloody Minute!

00:56:43 - News: Through the Age's Expansion update

01:00:01 - News: Is this a game? gallery

01:05:07 - News: Sheriff 2nd Edition

01:08:22 - News: Court of the Peoples

01:14:39 - KS: Go Dice

01:22:06 - KS: Unsettled

01:28:26 - Emails!

01:33:22 - BGG Feedback

01:39:06 - Grey Fox Games Reavers of Midgard and Draw your Own Conclusions


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