Andrew joins our hosts once again for a jumbo size what we have been playing! Adrian Made mistakes in Irish Gauge, Jeff fought off the Germans in Normandy, Zach got gamed by The Game, and Andrew got to Cragheart in Gloomhaven. After a BLoody minute and Kingdom Death Hour, Kyser tests our Host’s Knowledge in some BG Trivia. Some Listener feedback closes out the show.


00:00:30 - Intro Banter! Featuring: Andrew Returns, Norway, JoJo Rabbit 00:12:55 - What have we been playing?: Irish Gauge, Le Havre, Northern Pacific, Ladies and Gentlemen, Star Realms Frontiers, Normandy Undaunted, Pandemic Legacy Season 2, Mansions of Madness, The Game, Gloomhaven 00:48:25 - the Bloody Minute 00:55:30 - The Kingdom Death Hour (People of the stars, Giga White Lion, Tyrant lvl 2, Manhunter lvl 2, Dung Beetle Knight) 01:20:11 - Andrew's Question Time 01:36:24 - News: New Spiel Des Jahres 01:39:33 - Emails! 01:41:25 - BGG Feedback 01:49:55 - Grey Fox Games Reavers of Midgard fulfilling


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