Next Episode: 97: Lindsay Hiken

Hector Rodriguez was one of the final two runners standing in the Lone Mountain virtual event where the runners ran 1 mile every 15 minutes. 

We get to know Hector’s running story including when he started running and his amazing daily running goal.

Hector has some triathlons on his sport resume. So, of course I chat with him about that.

We talk about what his goals were for the Lone Mountain event.

We chat about his support team and how he stayed motivated right up until the very end. 

He shares fun stories of things that went wrong because this was a long event and things were bound to go wrong. 

He shares what he’s thinking of doing next. 

Both Hector and Jake Jackson were inspired by David Goggins - the name of his book is Can’t Hurt Me and you can find it wherever books are sold. 

You can follow Hector Rodriguez on Instagram @Hrod619

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