Previous Episode: 92: Amy Stone
Next Episode: 94: Mike Ergo

Jay Ell Alexander joins the Mile after Mile Podcast today to talk about running, her personal running journey and all the way to the present. Jay Ell Alexander owns her own PR Firm, she is a new mom and she is the owner of Black Girls Run!

Her start in running started with a chat with her doctor to make some lifestyle changes to lower her blood pressure.  She jumped right into a 10k. Her favorite distance is a half marathon and she tells us why. She also chat about Ragnar and even Ragnar Trail.

She shares the origin of how Black Girls Run! Began as a blog and a simple call out to meet up at a run at the very famous Peachtree July 4th event in Atlanta and grew organically into a nationwide to 250,000 members, 190 ambassadors and 74 groups. 

We dive deep into the value of running clubs. Jay Ell Alexander says, “The pavement brings us together.” 

Jay Ell Alexander shares how BGR is structured and some of the great things they do with local events, a national conference, a signature national race which in 2019 was the Miami Marathon, and also what she calls “wrap around services” including connecting their members with run coaches, nutritionists, and even aid for running equipment and race registration fees. 

She shares how BGR grows which is interesting if you are looking to join. This a great example of how structure a big run club. 

We do talk about current events with Covid-19 Pandemic, Black Lives Matter and Amaud Aubrey being nationwide news to get a view or perspective from inside Black Girls Run!

She shares that they focus on creating a safe space for gender, skin color and pace. 

Thank you Jay Ell Alexander so very much for taking the time to share this information with us today.

Enjoy this great interview and here are links where runners, aspiring runners, brands/corporate organizations, and races can find and get involved with Black Girls Run!


Insta:  or @officialblackgirlsrun 



The Mile after Mile Podcast is hosted by Amy Stone. You can reach out to her to be a guest and share your story. You can find her personal adventures at 

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