I met Susan in 2012 in Cozumel Mexico. I was there to cheer for my friends and she was there to race.

Susan is one of the very first people I approached to be on the Mile after Mile Podcast but to be honest she was too busy racing that she postponed for 43 weeks (but who's counting).

In fact, to finally get this interview I had to meet her in person. She came in to race Miami Man our local 70.3 distance event and she also took the time to speak to my triathlon club and grant me this interview.

We talk about how she got her start racing. How she manages to race so much. How she does this in an affordable way and why she raced her 100th race for the Children't Tumor Foundation.

Thank you Susan for being a guest on the Mile after Mile Podcast. You can find Susan on Facebook and Instagram @SusanHaag.


Special thanks to my friend Liz at the Avoid Being Hated Podcast for loaning me the equipment to do this interview.

Don't forget to visit www.amysaysso.com to find out what Amy is up to.