Debbie Jo DePuy just recently finished her first Ironman 70.3 at Ironman Haines City, Florida.

Debbie is a wife, a software coordinator and a mom of 2 high-school age boys.

Debbie's background is as a swimmer. She started swimming when she was 5 and swam through college. She is a 7 time all-American swimmer.

We talk about the decision to choose a race close to home in order to make it affordable.

We talk about the resources she used to prepare for the race.  Jenkins house of pain triathlon group, You Tube videos, Lightfront Striders and St. Cloud Mom's Run this Town and Women for Tri on Facebook.

Her biggest challenge was time management. We talk about how she got creative to juggle her training and her life.

We chat about being nervous to make the jump to clipless pedals and aerobars.

Debbie shares that she really thought the race briefing was the most beneficial part of her pre-race check in.

We talk about the benefits of being familiar with a race course and how you can never be sure what the weather will be like on race day.

We talk about the actual race of Ironman 70.3 Haines City.

Since Debbie's background is as a swimmer she swam 1.2 miles without a wetsuit in 35 minutes. Zoom zoom!

Debbie shares what it was like to get encouragement from other triathletes on the bike course.

Debbie battled IT Band issues while training and she tells us how she managed the run with that lagging injury.

Debbie says, "No matter how your race goes always finish as hard as you can."

We talk about what she would do differently with her training now that she's completed the race.

Her goal is to complete a full Ironman before she turns 45.

The day that we recorded the interview Debbie raced St. Anthony's triathlon and won her age group! Congratulations Debbie!

Thank you for being a guest on the Mile after Mile Podcast and I look forward to seeing what great things you do coming up.

Be sure to check out Amy's adventures at