Last year in 2015 Sonja Wieck completed the Norseman Xtreme Triathlon. She finished and received a Norseman Black t-shirt which is a very big deal.

Last year in 2015 Sonja Wieck completed the Norseman Xtreme Triathlon. She finished and received a Norseman Black t-shirt which is a very big deal.

If you haven't heard of Norseman go ahead and watch this video. You actually hear Sonja's voice at the start and she is also at the finish shedding a tear from relief, joy and satisfaction.

Sonja and I discuss everything from why she decided to do this race and how she registered to her getting all undressed in front of strangers in the second transition area.

There is a lot of detail in this interview. We discuss how the race works because it's self supported. We discuss her amazing support team. We discuss that she was sick when she did the race and the craziness that was that. Not just a little sick but she found out when she got home that she had pneumonia.

We talk about the good decisions she made and the bad decisions too.

Sonja discusses that the field at Norseman is basically in amazing shape that makes it to Zombie Hill. Yes - a part of this race is called Zombie Hill.

In fact, the tail end of this race is so hard you need a compass and a satellite phone. It's very intense. Sonja and I discuss what it felt like to want to quit at the end of this race and how she worked through it.

At the end I ask Sonja the following question: Harek Stranheim says that he set out to create the toughest triathlon on Earth, do you think he succeeded. Listen to the whole thing to hear her answer.

Congratulations to Sonja for her finish at Norseman XTreme Triathlon. It was a while ago but still it deserves BIG congratulations.

You can find the Norseman XTreme Triathlon information on their website:

You can find Sonja at and on Instagram and Twitter @risingtidetri

Her personal blog is and she's on twitter and Instagram @goSonja


You can find the host Amy's thoughts and such at