The catastrophic injury crisis at the club right now is so severe that I actually recorded a podcast about it. And I honestly don't know which of those things is more shocking or distressing. However, I did not take my task lightly, I wanted to talk to someone with some expertise. So I invited David back, who is a lifelong Milan fan, but is also a brilliant physiotherapist by trade. Longtime podcast listeners will remember him well, but will also appreciate his knowledge about this specific conversation as we discuss injuries, Pioli and his staff, current management, the return of Ibrahimovi·, and more. On this Episode:  · Injuries, potential causes, and solutions · Pioli and the Sassuolo curse · Can the injury crisis be solved? · Current management · The return of Ibrahimovi·   David cited a report by Jan Ekstrand and UEFA on hamstring injuries, with input from the chief medical officers from 15 different Champions League clubs, if you would like to read it, you can find it here. If you are interested in the article we discussed from Milan News about fear of injuries, you can find it in Italian here.  Thank you again to David for sharing his wisdom, expertise and his passion for Milan. Follow him on Twitter @DavidLSwan for more brilliance. Connect with Elaine on social media @milanobsession on Twitter or themilanobsession on Instagram or now themilanobsession on Threads