Previous Episode: Looking for Luck
Next Episode: Lowered Expectations

Milan are playing poorly, and mentality seems to be suffering. With three losses in seven league matches, everyone is getting stressed out. The players are under scrutiny. Montella particularly is under scrutiny. There have already been crisis meetings with Fassone and Mirabelli. But one solution has been largely overlooked, and this podcast reveals it: Borini for Captain.


The genius behind this solution is Vinny. Formerly of Red Card Weekly on YouTube, Vinny and his partner in crime are now the voices of @MilanWeeklyPOD, the English podcast for Radio Rossonera International. In addition to solving all of Milan’s problems, we discussed:

News of the Week: New sponsor, Niang love, Injury recovery, earthquake slam, new look Italy, Montella honored Matches: a quick recap of games International Break: highlights of Milan’s players on NT duty Mentality and Montella: discussing Montella’s & Milan’s situation Derby predictions and coming up: upcoming matches

Thanks again to Vinny for a great discussion about everything Milan. Follow @MilanWeeklyPOD and tune into Radio Rossonera International to hear more of his brilliant wisdom.

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