Previous Episode: Time to Celebrate
Next Episode: A Milan Comeback?

Reflecting on the Silvio years after the recent 30 year anniversary of Berlusconi buying the club, it’s important to look at all of those 30 years. Through triumphs and tragedies and trophies, how will he be remembered? As Silvio the man? Silvio the businessman? Silvio the politician? Or Silvio the owner and President of Milan? Or maybe a combination of all of those? As fans I suppose we can pick and choose, especially those of us outside of Italy. But the anniversary was worth catching up on all things Milan and having that discussion.

Following a lunchtime match at Chievo, I needed someone who was willing to stay awake so early in the morning here in North America, and that person was my good friend Vinny of Red Card Weekly fame. Like the best of celebrities, Vinny is only very occasionally on Twitter, but you can follow him @RedCardWeekly. For our early morning chat, we discussed:

News of the Week: Where’s Sheva?, We have a Curva?, Niang’s bad luck, shut up Inter, Berlusconi vs. Mihajlovic, new FIFA president, Video replay technology, Galliani accountability tally (The El Shaarawy Catastrophe), and Water Bottlegate 2016

Season Update: summary of the recent matches

30 Years of Berlusconi: then and now, what could have been?

Coming Up: a look at the games ahead

Thanks again to Vinny for sacrificing sleep and sharing his views on Milan with us. Follow him @RedCardWeekly to see if there is going to be a Red Card Weekly reunion!

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