I received an email from my friend Fairy Caroland this afternoon about the case of Troy Anthony Davis whose execution by the State of Georgia has been set for July [...]

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The post MikeyPod 97 | Fairy Caroland from New Hope House appeared first on MikeyPod.

I received an email from my friend Fairy Caroland this afternoon about the case of Troy Anthony Davis whose execution by the State of Georgia has been set for July 17, 2007 at 7:00. We were able to talk on the phone a bit for about the details of this case and also about her work at New Hope House in Griffin, GA. New Hope House is a Christian service community that maintains a guesthouse for family members visiting death-row prisoners.

Troy Anthony Davis


Amnesty International’s support for Troy




My Own Eyes- Mavis Staples

New Hope House

P.O. Box 1213

Griffin, GA 30224



The post MikeyPod 97 | Fairy Caroland from New Hope House appeared first on MikeyPod.