Next Episode: MikeyPod 85

Silent Shout by The Knife, dedicated to Zillafag (even if he probably won’t like it). Thank you, Sharon in Tampon, for buying the music you hear on this show. I’m [...]

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Silent Shout by The Knife, dedicated to Zillafag (even if he probably won’t like it).

Thank you, Sharon in Tampon, for buying the music you hear on this show.

I’m still working at the coffee shop and training for a lower management position.

I also got a job working with playwrights to produce children’s shows.

I got a job musical directing a show called Happy End.

I also have some music teaching gigs coming up soon.

Martha Braden

I saw Spring Awakening with Chef Mark.

I saw a lady eating corn on the cob on the train.

There’s going to be a Queercaster meetup during Podcamp in NYC. Let me know if you’re coming.

Andrew Bird

I’m excited about the Quercasting meetup.

Call me at to leave me a voicemail.

Email me at [email protected]

Glory by Essey Jane

direct download


The post MikeyPod 84 | NYC is my Bitch! appeared first on MikeyPod.