Intro by Chriso Vote for Ex-Boyfriends to win band of the year at! DO IT! you can also find them at myspace.   The RPM Challenge. I have accepted [...]

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The post MikeyPod 81 | podcasters need luv too appeared first on MikeyPod.

Intro by Chriso

Vote for Ex-Boyfriends to win band of the year at! DO IT! you can also find them at myspace.


The RPM Challenge. I have accepted a challenge to record an album of all original music by the end of February. Not THE album. AN album.

E.M.P.T.Y by The Clientele.

Okay the greatest thing about listening to this show after recording it is that I refer to the letter writer as both Daryl and Dean. WTF?? Sorry, Daryl.

Hug your friendly neighborhood podcaster.

Faking the Books by Lali Puna

Shouts to Liza at Copy, Right? for turning me on to them

The post MikeyPod 81 | podcasters need luv too appeared first on MikeyPod.