I get very personal and reveal some things that I've never talked about before.Of course, I rant a bit about society, culture, and the collective. Then I bring it down to the individual, then to me, and then I wrap things up with the Aziz Ansari hit piece and fire outro song by Porangui. Enjoy

I think most people have areas of themselves that they are afraid to look at, in denial of and want to push away, which just creates bigger problems in life, work and relationships.

If this happens to us on an individual level, then its obvious that this is magnifying, and shaping the values, norms, behaviors, stigmas, labels, and overarching collective unconscious & consciousness of our current culture. 

 When we can’t even look at our full and complete selves (which is crucial to healthy integration - and what Jung talks about with the shadow)  ---  But, if we can’t even look at ourselves, then we can’t accept ourselves and love ourselves, and when we can’t love ourselves we can’t love others and then we hide things in shame, and sweep it under the rug, until inevitably it bubbles up to the surface one day and blows up in all of our faces.

Men and Women are guilty of doing these things. Our sexual desires, love, relationships, and marriage. Men and Women ignore their own messages from themselves and instead open themselves up, out of fear and shame of the body, to the messages of the culture.

When we forfeit our true selves and our true identities we create a huge unfulfilled hole in our souls and psyches. A pestering paranoid thirst of yearning, needing, and wanting to fill that void in a healthy, honest and mutually beneficial way.

And if not properly healed and integrated, then that gaping pit of suffering becomes insecurity, constantly unfulfilled, it is ripe to be preyed upon and stuffed with junk by toxic ideologies of the backwards, regressive, aggressive and repressed, shaming and blaming, authoritarian, click-bait culture we currently live in.

If you like this episode and think others could benefit from it, then please let me know. Share it and spread it around. I depend on your feedback. I was hesitant to release this, but I feel that it these subjects are important to talk about and my experiences are important to share. 

Thank You 

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Outro Music: Chakaruna - Drumspyder Remix by Porangui, Ayahuasca Album Remixed  https://www.porangui.com/music.html

Artwork by Alex Grey: lightworker http://cosm.org/blog/lightworker/

Thank You

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