Welcome to the Mike Writing Narrated Blog podcast Thanks for reading, -Michael Wright #readitorstreamit Music: "Paycheck" by Ballpoint, Visit  Twitter: @mkwrco Facebook: @mkwrco Instagram: @mkwrco Medium: @mkwrco //TEXT// Writing has always been about the reading. Ever since I knew how words work in a sentence, I have loved reading. I built the kind of long-form blog that I want to read. MikeWriting.com is a series of blog posts that are conversations I want to have or experiences I’m reflecting on. This podcast is the collection of narrations for those blog posts. Two questions I assume you have: 1) Why create a narrated blog? 2) Is that even a thing? The answer to the first question has two parts: First, I don't just think that audio content is this thing right now. I think it is everything tomorrow too. I follow so many good content creators now on Medium, Twitter, or by email list that it's impossible to keep up. The same goes for some of my favorite publications. But if I could just go to a post and click a PLAY button, then I can get that content while I’m driving, walking, running, working out, cleaning, or any other activities that need my eyes and hands. The second part of why I made a Narrated Blog is that I’m a huge fan of audiobooks read by the authors. I think a reader gets a deeper connection to a writer’s emotions on a subject when they hear the writer telling the story. So is a Narrated Blog even a thing? The short answer: it is now. But considering the age of the Internet, there's no way this hasn’t been done before. I just don't know anyone else doing it right now. I think a Narrated Blog is the best thing to happen to blogs. But I can't tell you why you should read mine. I'm not an expert on anything except for asking questions. MikeWriting.com allows me to be the kind of writer that I love – one that engages readers and challenges them to defend their perceptions, question the systems they’re a part of, and embrace their own convictions. I am always trying to figure out how things work especially human beings. So, I’m glad you're here. It means that you’re up to having a conversation with me. Consider this your official invitation. My name is Michael Wright, and if you enjoy my narrated my blog, tell one other person. //END//