As Mike toils away at his pro-radio job, Micki holds down the fort for a surprise Guestapalooza, sponsored by Jet City Comic Show! Tonight's guests are: Intern Hunter, Adanica of The Buzz, and Andrea of KGRG1.
The party begins with a riveting installment of Weekend Roundup, moves on to Geek History, and a special edition of Is It Real or Is It Fake?! horror-movie themed! Can you guess who won? The answer might scare you!
We then interview Andrea and Adanica about their time at the Haunted Forest of Maple Valley, held at Royal Arch Park every weekend of October. They described the ghosts and ghouls, spooks and scares, and how much Halloween-themed fun they had.
Afterward we get on our pajamas, much on some pizza, and answer tonight's questions during the Slumber Party. Our Questions tonight were: If you could take KGRG/your school out on a field trip anywhere, where would you take them? What is one word or phrase that you would like to erase off the face of the earth forever?
Micki gives a quick update on upcoming Fall Pledge Drive and the Pledge Drive Show held on Green River Campus, make sure to support your local radio station!
We end the night with Shout Outs, giving lots of love to our listeners, and promise to make good choices (or not)!
Make sure to tune in next week live on KGRG 89,9FM on Monday nights from 9 to midnight, to have your chance to win Jet City Comic Show tickets AND Haunted Forest of Maple Valley tickets. Woah! So cool!