Thank you so much. We are publishing our 11th episode. We are so grateful for those of you listening regularly and sharing us with others. We appreciate your hanging with us as we are working out some technical bugs, as well as content and production issues.

Reminder - please let us know what sort of topics you would like to hear us discuss. Our hope is that we can be that outlet for you for difficult (or strange) topics - particularly as they may relate to differences that may be observed based on some cultural and skin color differences.

And maybe John Titor didn't actually stop by, but it was a fun, brief discussion. 

We cover another cancellation, since it came up in the news the day after we recorded our previous episode discussing cancellations.

Then we will talk a little about some politically correct language. Who determines what words are mean or no longer can be used? If a word or phrase has been around for centuries, then should it be changed and made to be a "bad word?"

Somehow, that will transition to a brief tangent on politicians, in general.

You'll hear Mike say, " has to be real. Pass me those chips!"

You'll hear Matt say, "They have a direct flight to Area 51."

Thank you so much!