Meeting people with respect and preparation is a critical part of a great career, relationship and life. We welcome back to social media, digital and online growth expert Janie Ho ( Janie is a senior editor of social media and digital growth at the New York Daily News. She is also an adjunct professor of social media at FIT, a guest lecturer at NYU and a speaker on how to leverage LinkedIn, social and growth marketing for personal, business and career. Janie enjoys teaching, speaking, training groups and companies, and podcast guesting on social, digital and online dating. Janie was a global account analyst at LinkedIn and a journalist at CBS, ABC, GQ, New York Magazine and more.

As a current side business, she teaches people and companies how to leverage social, digital and media to drive results from their time online and in real life. She loves speaking about online dating strategies, as she worked as a growth consultant with many dating apps. She is also a photographer for hire, specializing in portraits and events in New York and beyond.

Janie loves connecting with people, so please say hello on any social media platform — especially Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook. (

A native New Yorker, she involved in the New York tech, hospitality and media scenes in New York, as well as different nonprofits. She is a graduate of Boston College, where she was a football and basketball cheerleader, and lives in NYC.

Janie will be back next week!