Tough Tim Hughes is making such rapid progress in wrestling and life that it's hard to keep track of it all. It was honor to talk to Tim again, as he is not the type of guy to talk himself up - he's too busy hitting the road, stepping up his game and investing himself and those he cares about. This interview is from mid-June 2019, so I think Tim has already gone to North Carolina with Bob Evans, but the future events are definitely worth checking out. My travels with Tim and his tag team partner Bob Evans are true growth experiences. They have made a believer of me with their positivity, skill and genuine concern for the people they entertain and work with. 

Tough Guy Inc.'s Upcoming Events:

8/2 at Southern Wrestling Federation in Tullahoma, TN for a seminar and wrestling event.

8/3 at Tennessee Legacy Wrestling in Rocky Top, TN for seminar and wrestling.

8/4 at Prime Time Wrestling in Paris, KY for a seminar and wrestling.

To learn more about Tim Hughes, check him out on Twitter @toughtimmy and on Instagram @toughtimmyh