Check out Migs chat with ROH’s Rhett Titus!  Migs and chat about his #FlexWithRhett workout videos, life in isolation, what he misses about wrestling, how he wrestled wrestling legend Tito Santana, and an insane story about how he worked out in the delivery room!  Plus…could a Migs vs Rhett match for the #VerifiedChampionship be on the horizon?

Check out #FlexWithRhett:,,

Follow Rhett on Twitter:  @RhettTitusANX

Follow Migs on all social media: @ImSteveMigs

Check out Migs chat with ROH’s Rhett Titus!  Migs and chat about his #FlexWithRhett workout videos, life in isolation, what he misses about wrestling, how he wrestled wrestling legend Tito Santana, and an insane story about how he worked out in the delivery room!  Plus…could a Migs vs Rhett match for the #VerifiedChampionship be on the horizon?

Check out #FlexWithRhett:,,

Follow Rhett on Twitter:  @RhettTitusANX

Follow Migs on all social media: @ImSteveMigs

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