Check out Migs chat with Matt Sydal.  Matt is going to be at Defy’s show at the Hawthorne Theater this Saturday (5/26), and is wrestling Matt Riddle.  Get tix and info at  Matt and Migs barely talk about wrestling…as they dig deep into the world of augmented reality, life in the digital age, stem cell research, and dropkicks!  It’s a fun listen! 

Follow Matt on Twitter:  @FindEvan

Follow Migs: @ImSteveMigs

Check out Migs chat with Matt Sydal.  Matt is going to be at Defy’s show at the Hawthorne Theater this Saturday (5/26), and is wrestling Matt Riddle.  Get tix and info at  Matt and Migs barely talk about wrestling…as they dig deep into the world of augmented reality, life in the digital age, stem cell research, and dropkicks!  It’s a fun listen! 

Follow Matt on Twitter:  @FindEvan

Follow Migs: @ImSteveMigs