Check out Migs chat with NXT Champ, Bobby Roode!  Bobby is going to be here in Seattle this Friday as NXT Live will be at the Paramount Theater!  You can get more info and tickets HERE.  Bobby and Migs talk about the early days of Bobby learning how to wrestle, what advice he has for upcoming wrestlers, his current feud with Roderick Strong, and who he would like to wrestle at Wrestlemania one day! 

Follow Migs on Twitter & Instagram: @ImSteveMigs

Email: [email protected]

Check out Migs chat with NXT Champ, Bobby Roode!  Bobby is going to be here in Seattle this Friday as NXT Live will be at the Paramount Theater!  You can get more info and tickets HERE.  Bobby and Migs talk about the early days of Bobby learning how to wrestle, what advice he has for upcoming wrestlers, his current feud with Roderick Strong, and who he would like to wrestle at Wrestlemania one day! 

Follow Migs on Twitter & Instagram: @ImSteveMigs

Email: [email protected]