Join us today 5:30 CST as we raise the subject:

If the question is important asking the right person is equally important…

The questions we asked and the answers we accept and act upon can shape our lives. Don’t believe me read for yourself.

Click here to read:

When one of history’s biggest drug dealers Freeway Rick Ross whose organization was partly responsible for a billion dollars’ worth of crack sales was asked…..  What could he have done differently? I was touched by his answer……


How serious are we about change and making our lives impactful?

When was the last time you examined your associations and the impact their advice or example has had on your decision making?

To have your voice heard and ideas understood call 718-508-9533 Press #1 to speak or simply listen in and learn something from the conversation…. Your presence and support of this show is not taken for granted we value your loyalty.... Thank you!!!!