Well hi there; it’s been a little while!

What I love about these interviews is that people often surprise me.  Amardeep Kaleka was no exception.  As the director of Sirius, a documentary about UFO disclosure, clean energy suppression and plenty of other fringe subjects, you might think his opinions and talking points would consistently come down on the side of a conspiratorial worldview.  Actually, Arm is in fact, an extremely well informed, open-minded, thoughtful, nuanced and experienced individual.  In fact, he even openly rejected some prevalent conspiracy theories outright.  This man has seen and endured things most of us never will; yet he maintains a friendly, welcoming and calm demeanor that quickly won me over.

The range of topics we covered is truly too long to list and I’m pretty sure we left no stone unturned.  We spoke for nearly two, hours in what ended up feeling like a talk between old friends by the time we wrapped things up.

Check out Arm’s website neverendinglight.com to see what he’s up to.

This is also the first time an episode of Midwest Real has been done as a one-on-one interview.  I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out and I think you’ll enjoy it as well.  As we move forward you’ll be hearing a plethora of voices new and old, and rest assured, we won’t be slowing down.

As always, you can keep the conversation going on Twitter and Facebook, and we always appreciate it if you can take a few seconds to subscribe and review on Itunes.

Until next time.