Hello, Listeners. 

Due in part to traveling and in part to me being a big dummy, last weeks episode is just going up now. The good news is, you will still be getting your regularly scheduled episode of the podcast tonight! The madness continues. 

In this episode of MWM, I come to you from a fever dream in the heartland of America, while Chris K basks comfortably in his Midwestern apartment. In this episode, we give our analysis of some Eldritch Moon cards, speculate about week one, give helpful advice, throw shade at John Green (John your not reading this, but I really enjoy your podcast-- the pod combines two of my great loves- dubious advice, and ever present terror in the face of mortality), tell one of my favorite Bowman stories, and totally stumble over the name of our theme song.

Thanks to the band Green Jeans for the use of our theme song 'Weirdos (Dumb & In Love)' off the album 'Cave Demos'. Their music is super good and you should check it out at https://greenjeans.bandcamp.com/

If you want to submit a question to our 'What's the Play?' segment, write us at [email protected]

You can download this podcast directly at:https://archive.org/details/MidwestMagic003

If you like the show, please subscribe and review our show on iTunes, or tell a friend about us. Anything you can do to spread the word is awesome.

Thanks for listening.-Kyle