Valentine's Day is just a few days away and many people won't have a partner with whom to celebrate it. And you know what? That's okay! In fact, that's more than okay. Despite what society and even the Church may imply, being single does not and should not mean that you're on the path to finding someone to complete you. This is one of the many points that Brittany Kahn and Kim Owens, the co-leaders of the Singled Out small group, hope to convey to the people who sign up and attend. This interview doesn't just cover how they both arrived at the point to form the group and what to expect if you attend, but also examines how the Bible has been used as a club by oppressive forces to idolize the nuclear family, to stigmatize people who choose to be single, and shame people who do not adhere to a heteronormative and celibate worldview.

For more information about Singled Out, be sure to visit They meet virtually every Tuesday night.
If you wish to get in touch with the leaders directly, you can use the following emails:
Brittany Kahn - [email protected]
Kim Owens - [email protected]