Does it bother you that we forcibly entertain you for more than two hours per fortnight (or one hour per week if correctly rationed)? Do you wish you could get your Midnight Resistance fix and then return to your thoughts of death and the abyss? Then shucks howdy, have we got an episode for you!

We had Sean McTiernan on, and something went wrong with his recording - it cut off before we got to the questions bit. This is a shame, because there was some good stuff in the second half. Although a few of you asked us to get McTiernan on again, so in a way this is basically all your fault?

So, aye. Sorry about that. We could maybe do a listener questions special next time to make up for it? Let us know on Twitter or Discord or whatever.

Anyway, you've still got about 80 minutes of this shite to get through:

Zelda: A Link Between WorldsPony IslandHacknetThe Last StationWatch Dogs 2FuriSuperhotHitman

Hope that's aright! It properly fucking meanders at one point so it's a bit like the questions section anyway.

Please don't leave us. Please!

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