Next Episode: 118 - Super Troopers

The Knights catch up with each other on this Easter Sunday installment. Ceebs shares her current plans for leading a healthier lifestyle, as well as her WonderCon 2016 experiences. Kitteh shares Cat stuff like bus and paranoia stories. This week’s Flick Pick is Hop, an Easter Favorite of Ceebs, and one Kitteh has never seen due to his loathing of Russel Brand.

The Knights were joined in the Mixlr chat by Johnny Whitetrash (@AvailableInADHD), Ryan Connolly (@kaarval), Dale Hu (@madzub), and Marianne (@mv_ughn).

Midnight Movie Knights

117 - Hop

Hoppy Easter

Brought to you by @MirandaJanell & @ThatFrakkingCat

The Knights catch up with each other on this Easter Sunday installment. Ceebs shares her current plans for leading a healthier lifestyle, as well as her WonderCon 2016 experiences. Kitteh shares Cat stuff like bus and paranoia stories. This week’s Flick Pick is Hop, an Easter Favorite of Ceebs, and one Kitteh has never seen due to his loathing of Russel Brand.

The Knights were joined in the Mixlr chat by Johnny Whitetrash (@AvailableInADHD), Ryan Connolly (@kaarval), Dale Hu (@madzub), and Marianne (@mv_ughn).

With special thanks to @mrBradRaven for the album art, @JudgeFunkyBoy for the theme music, @DCKantel for segment openers, @Kiwinerd for the microphone donation, and you for listening to us.

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