An enigmatic terrorist, Simon Gruber, holds NYC hostage as he tries to rob a Federal Reserve Building. Alcoholic Detective John McClane joins forces with a shrewd electrician, Zeus, to bust Simon.   Director - John McTiernan.   

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Website: Membership: Facebook: The After Party (MidnightDoubleFeature) Instagram: @midnightdoublefeature Twitter: @mdfpod Youtube: Midnight Double Feature

An enigmatic terrorist, Simon Gruber, holds NYC hostage as he tries to rob a Federal Reserve Building. Alcoholic Detective John McClane joins forces with a shrewd electrician, Zeus, to bust Simon.   Director - John McTiernan.   

Remember to RATE AND REVIEW us on iTunes!

Check us out:

Website: Membership: Facebook: The After Party (MidnightDoubleFeature) Instagram: @midnightdoublefeature Twitter: @mdfpod Youtube: Midnight Double Feature

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