A lot of musicians don't know how to work the ins and outs of a DAW (like Pro Tools or Ableton), and many vocalists that record themselves daily don't even have time to learn how to engineer at a professional level...


That's actually one of the reasons why I first got started with engineering in the first place...


I really wanted to grow my beat business, but when I was first starting out, engineering in my recording studio was the thing that was providing me with a livable income - not making beats.


And it turns out William had a similar experience when he was first coming up.


I asked him how he was able to bring leads into his studio as a newer engineer and he told me that he used something similar to a referral system...


He offered hole punch cards that would incentivize his clients to come back again and again - for every 10 holes you got punched on your card, you'd get an hour of studio time at no cost.


This system basically made people want to book more time just so they could fill out their cards, which subconsciously made them feel like they were "completing a task".


Pretty smart, right?


During our conversation, William brought up some additional tips for engineers and producers that helped him grow his business to the scale it's at now...


You can use those same tips to bring more rappers and singers into your own business as an entrepreneur and music producer - go check out the newest episode of the Midi Money Podcast!


Additional Resources:

Sign up for a FREE producer training at: https://midimoney.com/goQuality Touch Studios: https://qualitytouchstudios.com/


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