Series Two has arrived! 
Join Luke James and Zak Green as they kick-off a new era of Midfield Politics by reflecting on the Dominic Cummings interview, 'freedom day', and a potential increase to national insurance contributions. 
Episode 49 also features a 20-minute interview with PhD student Adam Stokes, who shared his insight on nationalism and secessionism in the UK.
· Adam Stokes on the future of the Union: Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the NIP. (25:00)
· (Another) Manifesto U-Turn: Zak's reaction to a mooted rise to national insurance contributions
· COVID-19: PM, Chancellor, Health Secretary, and LOTO forced to self-isolate as 'freedom week' arrives.
Stay Safe, Keep Voting.
· Midfield Politics – Twitter
· Luke James – Twitter / Portfolio
· Zak Green – Twitter
With Thanks To:
Adam Stokes - Twitter / YouTube
Get in Touch:
Interested in sponsoring the show, have a guest request, or would like to contribute to the discussion? You can reach us via [email protected] or @MidfieldPolitic on Twitter.
Music courtesy of Free Music Archive.