What did you do first thing this morning when you awoke? Did you yawn and stretch? Did you greet the one lying next to you–maybe your spouse or maybe the dog? Did you think about your day ahead and all you have to do? Whatever you did I bet it is something that you do nearly every day when you wake up. Often, people get so tied up in what they do, that becomes their identity. “I am…” fill in the blank. But, there is something else first we should all remember. It may even become our first thought as we wake up in the morning.Jesus is called “beloved” by God before he’s done anything to prove himself, before he’s resisted temptation, raised Lazarus from the dead, or anything else. When we wake up in the morning without showering, smelly breath and all, we are called Beloved by God. We are baptized and washed by the Spirit, we are new creation before we’ve done anything to prove it. “We are marked from our first waking moment by an identity that is given to us by grave: an identity that is deeper and more real than any other identity we will done that day.”