Flashing back again to 2010, this time for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World! The Edgar Wright classic has a lot of fans on this pod, and we talk a lot, and trade favs, and heap plenty of praise. It’s a lovefest, even if Jon tries to fight it. Also, everyone, but Lauren’s, audio kind of sucks this week, I don’t know what happened, we’ll do better! Anyways, if you are a fan, this is a fun listen!

Download. Listen. Enjoy!

0:01:00 Why Scott Pilgrim vs. The World?, Scott Pilgrim In Real Life, Michael Cera
0:13:00 Nitpicks, The Ending Works?, Adaptation
0:23:00 Jon’s Hot Take? (There Is A Lot Of Rambling...)
0:31:00 A Debate Begins Over Book vs. Movie
0:42:00 Favorite Sequences, Came Out Just In Time, Jon’s Kinks
0:51:00 Favorite Lines, Connections To Pop Culture
1:01:00 Musical Contributions, Wrapping Up

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