Previous Episode: We Switch On The Switch

We flashback to another 2000 Oscar film, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. This time, Zac is doing the picking and he loves this film a whole lot 20 years on. The rest of the crew isn’t as high, and found diminishing returns, but Zac stands up for the excellence and beauty of the picture. Jon tag teams a couple sections with him, who puts his wire-fu issues behind him, Lauren though... A good convo for a great movie! Damnit!

Download. Listen. Enjoy.

0:01:00 Why Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?, Some Spirited Disagreement
0:11:00 Fights That Talk, No Flashback? You Crazy!, Dark Cloud
0:19:00 We Promise We Aren’t Racist, Bad Disguises, Where’d The Epics Go?
0:26:30 The Ending, Hairy People, Ang Lee, Wrapping Up

@middleofrow #nothe