Pornography has been banned in China since 1949. Yet 80 percent of young men (18 – 29 years old) and 50 percent of young women, or 30 percent of the whole Chinese population, admit to consuming porn as of 2015.
 So how do they access it? And are there actually local producers making and distributing this illegal content within China?
This is the first installment of a three-part series on China’s “guilty pleasures”: sex, drugs, and casinos.

Danny: Chinese translator at Pornhub
Dr. Runze Ding : Postdoctoral researcher, School of Media and Communication, Shenzhen University
Shawn Suyong Yi Jones : PhD Candidate at Concordia University

Middle Earth is distributed by The World of Chinese ( Every two months, both in print and online, the team at TWOC takes a contemporary issue in Chinese society and culture and looks behind the headlines to share how it affects people on the ground.  

Middle Earth is made by China Compass Productions and hosted by Aladin Farré. If you have a China-themed cultural project like shooting your next documentary or look for a specific talent, please get in touch!

With thanks to Sean Calvo for music support.