(Sorry for the technical difficulties, we failed to capture Lais on the call today)


[Python Conference for web devs 17th to 19th June](https://2020.pythonwebconf.com/)

[PyCon DE cancelled this year, see you next year](https://twitter.com/PyConDE/status/1261303281961381888)

[PyCon Africa 2020 Online](https://africa.pycon.org/)

[Sci-kit learn bugfix release 0.23.1 is out](https://twitter.com/scikit_learn/status/1262829951654473729)

[Release of the `tzdata` package](https://twitter.com/pganssle/status/1262791115230662657)

Mid Meet - Hall of Fame:

Tanya Allard, PSF Fellow, Developer Advocate at Microsoft

[Follow Tania on Twitter](https://twitter.com/ixek)

PyPI highlights:

[Helium](https://github.com/mherrmann/selenium-python-helium) - Python library for web automation (like Selium but lighter)

[Hypothesis](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) is actually cool.

[Listen to MidMeetPy podcast](https://anchor.fm/midmeetpy)

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