In Episode 174, Ben and Scott dive into Azure App Service for Linux and Azure Web App for Containers as a hosting option for microservices and more.




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- [Ben] Welcome to episode 174 of the Microsoft cloud IT Pro podcast recorded live on April, 16, 2020. This is the show about Microsoft 365 and Azure from the perspective of IT Pros and end users. Where we discuss the topic or recent news and how it relates to you. In this episode, we talk about Azure services for Linux and Azure Web Apps for containers as a hosting option for microservices.
- [Scott] You've made it to another Friday.
- [Ben] Is that what day it is?
- [Scott] It is, as Rebecca Black, do you remember that song Friday?
- [Ben] Oh no, please, please
- [Scott] Yes, no.
- [Ben] No, no!!!
- [Scott] I asked her, Well hold on. As she taught us, Friday is the day that comes after Thursday, right? Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday, today it is Friday, Friday partying, boom.
- [Ben] But that would assume that I knew that yesterday was Thursday.
- [Scott] Yeah, well, I'm just telling you like, "Hey, Rebecca Black could help you get through COVID-19."
- [Ben] No, it hurts.
- [Scott] Just to throw, Just to throw that out there for you.
- [Ben] Well, we're almost through it, we have our escape plan now right? As of yesterday?
- [Scott] Yeah.
- [Ben] Although there's no timeline on our escape plan, it's just a plan. This is how we're going to escape at some point on time.
- [Scott] Well It's phased and it's gated. It's very devopsy. They got that going for them,
- [Ben] Yes.
- [Scott] But, you know beaches are reopening today. We got that going for us.
- [Ben] They are. But only for a few hours right? Cause I saw they're opening today at five but then it was like five to 8 p.m. And then 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
- [Scott] Yes, yeah.
- [Ben] Which means--
- [Scott] Six hours a day.
- [Ben] They are essentially trying to avoid people going out and hanging out all day because let's face it in Jacksonville nobody goes to the beach from eight till eleven, unless you're gonna go for a walk or run or something like that. And same thing from five to eight. It's hey, you can go take a walk, you can go take a run, you can go exercise, but you're not gonna go lay out and party at the beach all day.
- [Scott] Yeah, no, it's one of those I go kinda like two ways about it. Cause you know people are gonna abuse it.
- [Ben] Right.
- [Scott] No matter what. There's gonna be lawn chairs and things out there now people have to patrol it and all those kinds of things but I am genuinely looking forward to just going back to the beach and being able to like stick my feet in the ocean again. Like that's one of the advantages of living here.
- [Ben] Right.
- [Scott] And being close to all of that, so... Yeah, I'm sad I can't take a lawn chair with me, but I'm not gonna be one of those people. But I am totally gonna go stick my feet in the ocean.
- [Ben] Oh did they say no lawn chairs too?
- [Scott] Yeah, they don't want you, like you said, congregating or any kind of chance of that going on.
- [Ben] I missed that part. It was interesting though because of the--
- [Scott] It was in like the Sheriff's webcast about it.
- [Ben] Okay.
- [Scott] So it's not in the official thing but they did call it out in the Sheriff's one so I think they're gonna be kinda going by and talking to people.
- [Ben] So did you read the whole article, this made me laugh. Primarily because it's so interesting to me. I have family in other states and everybody has their different definition of essential activities when they put these stay at home orders in place. It's like, hey you can only go on the beach for essential activities. And in Florida, based on governor, the governor's executive order, essential activities include,