Microcosm Coaching Team Call 04/28/2023

In today’s call, I’m joined by coaches and parents Sarah Strong and Drew Conner to discuss training and goal setting while parenting. In our call, we dive into the importance of developing good communication skills, flexibility with priorities, zooming out skills and self-care. We also get into the specifics around finding time to train and how to consider setting goals for newer parents as well as parents who are farther along in the process. This call was incredibly informative- with tons of great takeaways for athletes at every level and every stage of the process. Even if you aren’t a parent, listen in. The skills that parenting forces athletes to develop are fundamental for the longevity and success of every athlete!

As usual, if you have any feedback, a question for a future call or are looking for support
in your running journey, please visit us on the web at microcosm-coaching.com or contact
us at [email protected]