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Coach TJ and Coach Zoe discuss their recent experiences with racing and training at altitude. They touch on topics such as the use of salt pills for electrolyte replenishment, the pros and cons of giving blood while training, the effectiveness of multivitamins, and the challenges of racing at altitude. They also debrief Coach Zoë's recent race, the Silver Rush 50, and discuss the importance of setting outcome and process goals, staying true to your values and standards during tough races, and learning from difficult experiences. The conversation provides valuable insights for athletes training and competing at altitude. In this part of the conversation, the hosts discuss altitude training and its impact on performance in races at high elevations. They debunk common misconceptions about altitude training and emphasize the importance of focusing on overall fitness rather than relying solely on altitude interventions. They also discuss the effects of altitude on hydration and nutrition needs, as well as the benefits of trialing these strategies at elevation. The hosts provide recommendations for pre-race strategies, including getting an iron panel done and considering arriving early to the race location.


Salt pills can be a convenient way to replenish electrolytes during training and racing.
Giving blood while training should be done cautiously and not during important race build-ups or training blocks.
Multivitamins may not be necessary for everyone and it's better to target specific micronutrient deficiencies with the help of a nutritionist or healthcare provider.
Racing at altitude can be challenging for everyone, but it's important to be kind to yourself and adjust expectations accordingly.
Setting outcome and process goals, staying true to your values and standards, and learning from difficult races are key to growth and progress as an athlete. Focus on overall fitness rather than relying solely on altitude interventions
Trialing hydration and nutrition strategies at altitude is important
Consider arriving early to the race location to acclimate
Get an iron panel done to ensure optimal performance at altitude