In this episode of MICRO BREAK (Episode 6), I discuss what a true friend is to me and talk about my own true friend of thirty five year.

Would you put your life in danger to potentially save a friend? Would you risk your own life for anyone without question? Could you? Would you?

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Friend | Noun | The definition of friend is someone who is on your side | An example of a friend is an ally in a protest | A friend is defined as a person that you are fond of, with whom you talk or spend time with | An example of a friend is the person you have known a long time and trust |


You Are Special (Song) Written by Fred Rogers | © 1968, Fred M. Rogers

You are my friend You are special You are my friend You're special to me. You are the only one like you. Like you, my friend, I like you.

In the daytime In the nighttime Any time that you feel's the right time For a friendship with me, you see

F-R-I-E-N-D special You are my friend You're special to me. There's only one in this wonderful world You are special.


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