🎙 Today's show starring Michael Patrick Shiels - presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan 👇

[0:05:14] - John Goulooze, Union Financial Group
[0:27:43] - Brian Morley, Attorney Fraser Trebilcock
[0:39:03] - Casey Mattox, Vice President for Legal and Judicial Strategy at Americans for Prosperity
[1:01:32] - Beth DeShone, Executive Director at the Great Lakes Education Project
[1:12:39] - Randy Richardville, Former Senate Majority Leader
[1:29:38] - Andy Hetzel, VP of Corporate Communications at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
[2:02:14] - David Hall, Founder and CEO of Hall Financial
[2:14:23] - Jeff Stewart, Attorney and Counselor at Ven Johnson Law
[2:21:20] - Larry Olmsted aka The Travel Food Guy, Author of “Fans: How Watching Sports Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Understanding” and “Real Food / Fake Food”, Travel Writer and Food Journalist for Forbes and USA TODAY
[2:27:24] - Nolan Finley, Editorial Editor of the Detroit News