It’s end of July -- time for a summer check-in! Heather welcomes Joe (her hubby) back to the show to talk about his running and racing over the past couple of months, and new role with MRG (check out his happy smile on the new site here.)

Joe’s racing has included the Bayshore 10K and helping cheer on Heather and Emma as they finished the marathon. They also talk about what they’ve been up to lately with their family (a day trip on the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail most recently). We'd love to hear where you're exploring in Michigan this summer -- send MRG a note at [email protected] or [email protected].

Also  …. … Heather and Joe share some exciting things happening with MRG, including the MRG Box.

This episode also includes race news and deals you’ll want to check out as you look to fill your late-summer, fall, and winter race schedules.


Mentioned during this episode...

Local race happening in July in Glen Arbor, Mich.: 12th Annual Running Bear Run 

Awesome place to eat if you're in Leelanau County and on a day trip near Glen Arbor: Boone Docks