Michigan Policast for Monday, June 29, 2020   In this episode: COVID-19 isn’t done with us yet Presidential Politics and polls Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission semi-finalists are chosen Political Notes Matt Borges and the Right...

Michigan Policast for Monday, June 29, 2020

  In this episode:

COVID-19 isn’t done with us yet
Presidential Politics and polls
Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission semi-finalists are chosen
Political Notes
Matt Borges and the Right Side PAC
John James says what?



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Segment one: COVID-19 isn’t done with us yet
Segment two: Presidential Politics and polls
Segment three: Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission semi-finalists are chosen
Segment four: Political Notes
Segment five: Matt Borges and the Right Side PAC
Segment six: John James says what?

COVID-19 isn’t done with us yet

Michigan’s coronavirus curve rises; state tallies 323 new cases
Coronavirus outbreaks tied to migrant farm workers in Michigan | Bridge Magazine
Michigan bars worry as East Lansing bar’s coronavirus tally tops 70 cases | Bridge Magazine
State Senate leader says he defied pandemic orders for ‘a couple haircuts’
Petition drives target Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. And she’s raising money off them. | Bridge Magazine
How Out-Of-State Nonprofits Are Marketing An Ecosystem Of Conservative Content To Michiganders
Trump’s effort to dismantle Obamacare during the pandemic might be his riskiest move yet
Report shows Michigan hospitals got less than other states in COVID-19 relief
Peters: Trump administration has not distributed 41% of hospital funding
THE DAMAGE FROM DELAYS Trump Administration Slow To Distribute COVID-19 Relief As Hospitals Forced to Furlough Workers.
CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: General Information
The CARES Act Works for All Americans


Presidential Politics and polls

Poll Shows Trump Dragging Down G.O.P. Senate Candidates – The New York Times
Morning Digest: Multiple Gary Peters polls
Trafalgar Group – Michigan Statewide Presidential June 2020 Survey
Michigan: Trump vs. Biden
Michigan Senate – James vs. Peters


A Message from President George W. Bush@TheCalltoUnite pic.twitter.com/FIn9wuOPTF

— George W. Bush Presidential Center (@TheBushCenter) May 2, 2020

My predecessor, who I disagreed with on a whole host of issues, still had a basic regard for the rule of law and the importance of our institutions ~@BarackObama @JoeBiden #Biden2020Click To Tweet


1. I have trouble believing it, but as someone who got the presidential daily briefing for more than 7 years the idea that a POTUS wouldn’t be briefed on a Russian bounty on US troops is even more alarming.

— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) June 28, 2020

The Greatest Generation sacrificed everything for our country. But @realDonaldTrump wants to sacrifice them for the economy when they’re in their greatest time of need. pic.twitter.com/tWrQ7CT0Op

— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) June 28, 2020

– Tweeting a White Power video, a “white genocide” account, racist “black violence” videos.

– “Send Them Back” chant at black American women.

– “Very Fine” Nazi protestors

– Threatening BLM protestors

We could go on.

Republicans: Make it stop. Join us. https://t.co/ShbntlCOiY

— Republican Voters Against Trump (@RVAT2020) June 28, 2020


Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission semi-finalists are chosen

The People Redistricting Press Conference (on Facebook)
Summary of Selected Applications and Results
Pool of 200 selected for new Michigan commission to end gerrymandering | Bridge Magazine
State Redistricting website


Court of Appeals Issues Decision in Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Lawsuit https://t.co/iG2w4dbXMB pic.twitter.com/58eZyrQARV

— Michigan Attorney General (@MIAttyGen) June 19, 2020

Political Notes

Michigan judge orders temporary Enbridge Line 5 shutdown | Bridge Magazine
Enbridge Line 5 shutdown prompts Michigan debate over risks vs. economic harm | Bridge Magazine
Experts say support damage part of a bigger Line 5 structural problem
Enbridge reports Straits crossing support issue on Line 5 to State of Michigan
Line 5 Straits Engineering Assessment East Leg and Anchor EP-17-1
Nessel got Line 5 shut down, for now. Enviros say Whitmer can shut it down for good.
Whitmer would consider trying to block Trump rally
UM backs out of October presidential debate, citing coronavirus
Blind voters fear loss of privacy with shift to mail voting
Accessible absentee ballot applications available online for blind Michiganders
Blind Michigan voters use electronic absentee ballots for first time
SOS – Michigan Departments of State, Corrections, Partner on Returning Citizens Initiative
Daughter of Michigan candidate begs residents not to vote for her dad in viral tweet
(78) Robert Regan for State Rep 73rd District – Posts
Bill Saxton, candidate for Michigan’s 73rd State House district


if you’re in michigan and 18+ pls for the love of god do not vote for my dad for state rep. tell everyone

— STEPH (@streeganz) June 23, 2020

“Enbridge has completed an engineering analysis of the forces applied to the anchor support, and an evaluation of the entire east pipeline for any potential damage,” said a statement on the company’s website. “ROV inspections of the remainder of the east leg have confirmed no damage to the remaining screw anchors and the pipeline itself.” ~Source


With respect to the east leg, Enbridge has completed an engineering analysis of the forces applied to the anchor support, and an evaluation of the entire east pipeline for any potential damage. ROV inspections of the remainder of the east leg have confirmed no damage to the remaining screw anchors and the pipeline itself. To assure transparency and efficiency, we have provided this assessment and an assessment of the west leg to both PHMSA and the State of Michigan. We will continue to provide the State all the information we provide to PHMSA on this matter. ~Enbridge state on Line 5

Photos of damaged screw anchor assembly (‘anchor support’) on East leg of Line 5, provided by Enbridge:


Matt Borges and the Right Side PAC

Right Side PAC website
Ex-Ohio Republican Party chairman leads super PAC to unseat President Donald Trump
Ohio GOP Censures Former Head Who’s Parted Ways With Trump – The New York Times
John Kasich allies on the forefront of GOP-led effort to defeat Donald Trump
Republican operatives pushing GOP turnout for Biden with new super PAC


The biggest warning sign for Trump’s reelection: he’s starting to see softening support from his base. https://t.co/IEQ1CQggvp

— Right Side PAC (@RightSidePAC) June 24, 2020


“I get that some folks are mad at me now, but when they look back, they’ll just be mad at themselves,” Borges told cleveland.com. “The Party, and the people in it, are too good to have their standard bearer be Trump, who is so bad.” ~Source


“We’re not trying to become Democrats,” Borges told Axios. “I intend to vote for every other Republican on the ballot. And I expect that there are others like me who aren’t looking to leave the party.” ~Source


John James says what?

Report shows Michigan hospitals got less than other states in COVID-19 relief
Peters: Trump administration has not distributed 41% of hospital funding
THE DAMAGE FROM DELAYS Trump Administration Slow To Distribute COVID-19 Relief As Hospitals Forced to Furlough Workers.
John James carving his own road in 2nd quest for office


We’re in a pandemic—and yet Republicans & the Trump Admin are still trying to end protections for preexisting conditions & raise costs for prescription drugs.

The lawsuit is reckless & could have serious consequences. I’ll keep fighting to lower costs & for quality health care. pic.twitter.com/JQubfrmuMd

— Senator Gary Peters (@SenGaryPeters) June 25, 2020



@GaryPeters⁩’ opponent wants to win over farmers without pointing the finger at ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩, whose tariff policies have devastated them. That strategy had ⁦@JohnJamesMI⁩ twisted in a pretzel here with ⁦@ChadLivengoodhttps://t.co/mTfib626k0

— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) June 28, 2020



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