Michigan Policast for Tuesday, August 31, 2021 9 Big Liars had a bad day …. while one AG had a good week Covid. Covidiots. Covidiocy. Nathaniel Rakich of FiveThirtyEight on redistricting, gerrymandering, and census data...

Michigan Policast for Tuesday, August 31, 2021

9 Big Liars had a bad day
…. while one AG had a good week
Covid. Covidiots. Covidiocy.
Nathaniel Rakich of FiveThirtyEight on redistricting, gerrymandering, and census data
Judi Harris of the Lansing branch of Catholic Charities on welcoming Afghan refugees to Michigan
Political notes

Folks to follow on Twitter:

@baseballot (Nathaniel Rakich)

Jump to a topic:

Segment one: 9 Big Liars had a bad day
Segment two: …. while one AG had a good week
Segment three: Covid. Covidiots. Covidiocy.
Segment four: Nathaniel Rakich of FiveThirtyEight on redistricting, gerrymandering, and census data
Segment five: Afghanistan
Segment six: Judi Harris of the Lansing branch of Catholic Charities on welcoming Afghan refugees to Michigan
Segment seven: Political notes
New merch store


9 Big Liars had a bad day

Trump allies sanctioned for ‘frivolous’ suit to overturn Michigan election | Bridge Michigan
Federal judge in Michigan orders pro-Trump lawyers disciplined over lawsuit seeking to overturn 2020 election – The Washington Post
Lin Wood lashes out at ‘communist' judge who opened the door to his disbarment – Raw Story – Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism
AG – AG Nessel Responds to Securing Sanctions Against Attorneys Involved in Frivolous Election Lawsuit
SOS – Whitmer, Benson, Nessel share what's next following sanctions victory against ‘Kraken' attorneys
Federal Court Ruling – Sanctions for The Big Lie 9
‘This is really fantastical’: Federal judge in Michigan presses Trump-allied lawyers on 2020 election fraud claims in sanctions hearing


In the words of @GovWhitmer, “Today, democracy won.”

But our work's not over. All who viciously misuse their authority to undermine free, fair election results must be held accountable, or we will see these tactics repeat & multiply in future elections.https://t.co/ru6q2Hw2BV

— Jocelyn Benson (@JocelynBenson) August 26, 2021

“They used the federal courts to broadcast lies.”

-David Fink, attorney for Detroit in Michigan elections sanctions case against Trump lawyers pic.twitter.com/DR5AgFTUHm

— Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) August 26, 2021

How Detroit's election workers ensured the 2020 election was fair and secure: https://t.co/p2J4tlCRVJ

— Detroit Chamber (@DetroitChamber) August 30, 2021

How's Lin Wood reacting? Well, he called the judge who disciplined him a communist.

Lin Wood is in particular trouble because there's already a very active investigation in Georgia into whether he should lose his law license. He refused to sit for a mental health evaluation. pic.twitter.com/jHE1UuFIMe

— Jan Wolfe (@JanNWolfe) August 26, 2021

Lin Wood learns he’s getting sanctioned: “I had nothing to do with the drafting or filing of that lawsuit. But Communism never lets the TRUTH get in the way of its objectives. I will appeal.” pic.twitter.com/HCqQjTotV3

— Dave Thomas (@DaveThomas5150) August 26, 2021


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…. while one AG had a good week

A Man Charged With Plotting To Kidnap Michigan's Governor Gets 6 Years In Prison : NPR
Defendant in Plot to Kidnap Michigan's Governor Whitmer Sentenced – The New York Times

AG – AG Nessel Issues Statement Following Sixth Circuit Ruling Affirming MDHHS Mask Mandating Authority



Days after this @BuzzFeedNews revelation, defendants in the Whitmer kidnapping case are now asking a federal judge to approve a subpoena on Twitter for information on the @ravagiing account reportedly linked to a cyber intelligence firm owned by FBI Special Agent Jayson Chambers https://t.co/ODqJyJusHj

— Jonathan Oosting (@jonathanoosting) August 30, 2021

Ty Garbin, 25, is the only member of the six men facing federal charges in the kidnapping plot to plead guilty for his role. He turned government witness and disclosed crucial details about the alleged plan to kidnap Whitmer. https://t.co/Qeci9fguMT

— NPR (@NPR) August 26, 2021

Covid. Covidiots. Covidiocy.

Wayne County issues mask mandate for all schools this fall
Oakland County to require masks for more than 200,000 students
Costs rising for Michigan COVID care with return of deductibles, copays | Bridge Michigan
Michigan COVID cases up among vaccinated but less likely to be hospitalized or die | Bridge Michigan
After months of Michigan school mask protests, anti-anti-maskers mobilize | Bridge Michigan
Unlock Michigan launches 2nd petition to limit state, local health powers  ⋆ Michigan Advance
Judge blocks Florida governor’s order banning mask mandates
8/24/21 – 6 In 10 Floridians Support Requiring Masks In Schools, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; 61% Say Recent Rise In COVID-19 Cases In Florida Was Preventable | Quinnipiac University Poll
Bridge Michigan coronavirus dashboard
State Modeling Update
As Michigan pandemic protests rage, COVID-19 poised for a surge
AG – AG Nessel Issues Statement Following Sixth Circuit Ruling Affirming MDHHS Mask Mandating Authority


Good point here.

In September 2020, we started to see a jump in cases in the Upper Peninsula, which was the precursor to the fall surge statewide: https://t.co/yJsCvlNoPf https://t.co/0DAFNe4Mlh

— Craig Mauger (@CraigDMauger) August 30, 2021

Michigan State University employee sues over #COVID19 vaccine mandate, citing her natural immunity from a 2020 infection https://t.co/6zgOO2pDj1 via @LSJNews

— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) August 31, 2021

COVID-19 hospitalizations in Michigan are increasing, but they're increasing at a much slower rate than past surges.

We've gone from 845 adults hospitalized with the virus to 1,137 in 12 days.

In the spring, we went from 855 to 1,404 in 10 days.

— Craig Mauger (@CraigDMauger) August 30, 2021


This tweet is unbelievably misleading. ALL Pediatric hospitalizations are a fraction of adult hospitalizations. Let me walk you through why “small” increases (compared to adults) can easily overwhelm #pedsICU’s https://t.co/WLr9UP5ima

— Chris Carroll MD (@ChrisCarrollMD) August 30, 2021

COVID transmission is so high that all of Michigan should mask up, CDC suggests https://t.co/c9krvw28uj

— The Detroit News (@detroitnews) August 31, 2021

Nathaniel Rakich of FiveThirtyEight on redistricting, gerrymandering, and census data

Nathaniel Rakich on FiveThirtyEight
Where America Lost And Gained Population Could Help Democrats In Redistricting | FiveThirtyEight
How Donald Trump Turned Off Swing Voters in 2020 – Sabato's Crystal Ball
Will Republicans Gerrymander Their Way to a House Majority?
GOP Could Retake the House in 2022 Just by Gerrymandering Four Southern States
‘Putin-style democracy’: how Republicans gerrymander the map


This will probably get lost in the news cycle, but it ought to be a full-blown scandal for Cawthorn. https://t.co/shW9tBS537

— Nathaniel Rakich (@baseballot) August 30, 2021

Michigan Republicans launch ballot initiative to implement new voting restrictions and get around Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's veto https://t.co/yw2iX6bvoi

— Sam Levine (@srl) August 30, 2021

More Americans now disapprove of Joe Biden's job performance than approve of it. https://t.co/sF8buXEWzB pic.twitter.com/vKoecFIoAZ

— Nathaniel Rakich (@baseballot) August 30, 2021

This is not even close to the most important part of this summer’s news, but Biden has had to deal with a 1918-style pandemic, 1975-style military defeat, and 2005-style natural disaster all in a few weeks. A leadership test if there ever was one.

— Nathaniel Rakich (@baseballot) August 30, 2021

This has been true for at least a decade. https://t.co/u2p1N3kRzB

— Nathaniel Rakich (@baseballot) August 29, 2021


Republicans’ phony complaints about Afghanistan exit.
Peter Meijer makes unauthorized oversight trip to Afghanistan
Meijer criticized over unexpected Kabul trip amidst evacuation and threats of terror ⋆ Michigan Advance
Pelosi assails lawmakers who made unauthorized trip to kabul – The Washington Post
Reps. Moulton, Meijer on what they saw on the ground at Kabul airport – CNN Video
Meijer won't rule out impeachment for Biden over Afghanistan
Rep Peter Meijer wants America to stop believing its own foreign policy propaganda
How Peter Meijer Changed His Mind on Extending the Afghanistan Withdrawal Deadline

Kathleen Madigan on Russians leaving Afganistan ^^^


CNN: The last US military planes have left Afghanistan marking the end of the United States’ longest war.

— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) August 30, 2021

An @AP lede for the history books.https://t.co/PuRBH6UrpH pic.twitter.com/h4prwfeD2n

— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) August 31, 2021

Spoke with @SRuhle on @MSNBC about the people now saying we need to stay in Afghanistan. Those same people have been saying one more day, one more month, one more dollar for 20 years…

What they really mean is one more Marine. pic.twitter.com/bFXo1jcGJH

— Lucas Kunce (@LucasKunceMO) August 30, 2021

The shitshow in Afghanistan has lots of multi-administration blame to go around. When your racist draft-dodging hero was calling our own military servicemen and women “losers and suckers” where the fuck were you? You disingenuous rapey little twerp. https://t.co/hcwDG7GHw6

— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) August 30, 2021

Yep. Facts on the ground vs. what? I’m not sure what created the early media frenzy. Boredom? Eagerness to prove independence? Distrust of competence in government? Short memories? Honestly curious about it. https://t.co/PQBiajdQ8L

— Heather Cox Richardson (TDPR) (@HC_Richardson) August 30, 2021


Judi Harris of the Lansing branch of Catholic Charities on welcoming Afghan refugees to Michigan

Judi Harris on LinkedIn
St Vincent Catholic Charities
Whitmer: State ‘embraces the opportunity’ to take in Afghan refugees ⋆ Michigan Advance
Poll Shows 81% Of Americans Support Taking In Afghans Who Assisted U.S.
CBS News Poll – August 18-20, 2021.pdf – Google Drive


Political notes

Remaking the Economy – The New York Times
Environmental justice advocates look to historic $3.5T spending bill for bold action ⋆ Michigan Advance
Voters in Battleground Congressional Districts Support Investments in Climate and Clean Energy
Why James Craig ‘didn't like' COVID tickets once touted by Detroit police
James Craig largely silent on false election fraud claims
Not Ready for Primetime: James Craig’s Disastrous Day, Volume 4 – Michigan Democratic Party
Who is Tudor Dixon? She'd like to be Michigan's next governor
500,000-plus jobless Michigan workers brace to lose unemployment benefits | Bridge Michigan
Cutoff of Jobless Benefits Is Found to Get Few Back to Work – The New York Times
Michigan OKs $6.8M extension with controversial jobless contractor
Utilities spent millions electing lawmakers who could probe outages
Michigan redistricting commission’s latest challenge: attendance | Bridge Michigan
Racial Turnout Gap Grew in Jurisdictions Previously Covered by the Voting Rights Act | Brennan Center for Justice


What can the data tell us about the Supreme Court?

1. Kavanaugh was likely the median justice — though there wasn't much daylight between him, Roberts and Barrett. He was in the majority 97% of the time, and voted with Roberts 94% of the time.https://t.co/XGP5qXtVkW pic.twitter.com/u1fwmcUFld

— Laura Bronner (@laurabronner) July 6, 2021

ALERT: Michigan Republican group launching ‘secure MI vote’ petition initiative to try and tighten voter ID laws, prohibit mass mailings of unsolicited absentee ballot applications and bar private funding for public elections. https://t.co/rEXme7fKmu

— Jonathan Oosting (@jonathanoosting) August 30, 2021

#migop want to act like we don't have #VoterId but we do. This is just another attempt to give their partisan challengers more ways to intimidate and confuse voters. https://t.co/2kGkRKupox via @detroitnews

— Senator Adam Hollier (@Adamant4Detroit) August 30, 2021


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