-Sung Psalm- 83-----Last time we focused on how Revelation 18 weaves together the OT pictures of Babylon, Tyre, Sodom - and rebellious Jerusalem- - in order to weave a tapestry of Babylon the Great - Mother of Prostitutes and of all the abominations on earth.----Today we hear three laments over Babylon------ The lament of the kings of the earth -verses 9-10-.--- The lament of the merchants of the earth -verses 11-17a-.--- And the lament of the shipmasters and seafaring men -verses 17b-19-.----Each of these laments is heard in the cry, -Woe, woe-- which in Greek is -ouai, ouai-- and in Hebrew is -oy, oy------It is less a word - and more of a cry of despair- Like when you get hit in the gut, you say, -oof- - because of the gust of air that bursts out of you-----In the same way, -Woe, woe-- -oy, oy-- is more like the ululating that you hear in many cultures - weeping over the death of a loved one...