With their guests Justin & Larry from the Here’s Johnny! horror review podcast, Michael & Ethan discuss Edgar Allen Poe’s classic short story: “The Tell-Tale Heart”. In this episode:

The guests bite quickly at the opportunity to impose a new rule on Michael & Ethan.

Ethan dumps on his wife - but what else is new?

Michael & Justin in a Room, but We’re Not Mentioning What They’re Drinking

Ethan makes a Freudian but not necessarily Freudian analysis.

When you protest something loudly enough, it makes it that much more believable.

They’re all crazy and it all takes place in a mental institution.

We analyze the Simpsons a bit.

Our guests pick up on the rules-game frighteningly quickly.

The word “copyright” occurs to Ethan.

Larry has a few things in common with Mr. Poe, we discover….

Larry brings up a touchy subject from the last episode of Here’s Johnny!

Ars gratia artis without being given the right.

Michael manages to get Schroedinger’s Cat in there.

Next time, Michael & Ethan will continue their discussion of the gargantuan Don Quixote, this time diving into Volume II. Join the discussion! Go to the Contact page and put "Scotch Talk" in the Subject line. We'd love to hear from you! And submit your homework at the Michael & Ethan in a Room with Scotch page.

On Halloween, Michael & Ethan will be guests on the special Halloween episode of Here’s Johnny! discussing the film, Trick ‘r Treat.

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Your Hosts: Michael G. Lilienthal (@mglilienthal) and

Ethan Bartlett (@bjartlett)

Your Special Guests: Larry (@beaverla) and

Justing (@picklething)

of the Here’s Johnny! podcast!

"Kessy Swings Endless - (ID 349)" by Lobo Loco. Used by permission.

"The Grim Reaper - II Presto" by Aitua. Used under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

"Thinking It Over" by Lee Rosevere. Used under an Attribution License.

Intent” and “Old Knight” by Unthunk. Used under an Attribution-NonCommercial License.

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