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Marko Nastic’s Biography :

Welcome to the world of Marko Nastic, the leading South Eastern European DJ. In a troubled
Serbia of the 90’s, Marko and his buddies built one of the most vibrant club scenes in Eastern
Europe, the one that inspired writers of Mixmag, The Face, DJ and NME to write accolades many
moons ago. They resisted dark forces of political madness with electronic music and a
celebration of life.
DJing and music were always part of Marko Nastic’s background: even in his pre-teen years he
was fascinated with synthesizers, drum machines and other sound making gadgets. When
techno started filtering through to Serbia in the early 90’s, Marko eagerly entered the scene.
Soon word on a teenage techno prodigy started spreading around town and this energy
channeled into a young & aspiring DJ team called Teenage Techno Punks – all of whom were
under 18, but performing like they were born on the 1210s. Nastic was the leader of the pack;
soon to become the hottest talent of South Eastern Europe’s electronic scene. The queues to
enter clubs in the region on the nights they performed were longer than ever. The word soon
started to spread beyond the boundaries of Serbia.
Just as techno music was becoming popular in Serbia, the Balkan conflict escalated. Marko
admits that he was too young to fully realize the gravity of the situation, but it did have an
impact on his life. “Things were tense, but a lot of it luckily went over my head,” he admits. “It
also meant that buying records then was very difficult and the choice was poor”.
These circumstances shaped and strengthened Marko just like other kids there. The free parties
they threw during those times are still an urban legend in Belgrade.
After the war, the club scenes in neighboring countries became aware of Nastic’s unparalleled
DJing skills and his distinctive three-deck style. Marko has since matured into a DJ who cannot
be labeled as purely techno, house or minimal; he’s all of that, and more.
Marko was a member of the original Recycled Loops crew. After that label stopped, Marko
joined Valentino’s ‘Jesus Loved You’ and started three labels himself, Recon Warriors, which put
Marko on the charts, followed by Recon Light and Traffica.
Also Marko has loads of projects running. For example Space Explorers with Marko Milosaljevic,
Tango and Cash with Kobaya and don’t forget the projects with Dejan Milicevic.
Marko did his first non-European tour in 2002, which started in Brazil. Now he regularly plays
gigs all over the world. Since 2006 he is the author and host of the radio show “Music For Body
And Soul” on the leading Serbian radio station B92.
His authorial album is due to be released.