Rod B. & Alvaro Garfunk bring you the Miami Underground Movement




Matthew Hoag

Being anonymous music aficionado, music professional or a sexy Pacha girl, there are two things you really should know about Matthew Hoag: meeting him in person is always fun. Joining him for the night clubbing is a life changing experience. This vivid, cheerful, friendly bon vivant isn’t just one of those guys who want to know everything about the music as an art and the whole business behind it. He’s foremost a really nice person and his works are excellent reflections of his embrace-the-life globe trotting attitude.

The earliest seed that indicated Matthew’s future career is hidden somewhere on the dance floor was his passion for light shows. He became light-operator for the matinees in one of the local clubs already as a teenager. Few years latter he took a job at the local radio station. That’s where he learned how the radio station works, how the program is being put together, he became skillful technician, and he also listened to a lot of music: “I guess this is the main reason why I can’t be put in the box as an artist. I was exposed to all range of commercial and non commercial music. And it was that period when I grew taste for good alternative music and explored even genres such as jazz and blues.”

Meanwhile his career took a big leap forward as he became “illegal” light operator at the infamous Ambasada Gavioli club. This wasn’t his job. Put more precisely: he wasn’t even allowed to come near the console by the boss. But the resident deejays liked his touch and invited him into the booth whenever possible. “I was hanging around to listen to the sets of Valentino Kanzyani. Ambasada was the playground for the biggest names in the game. And Sven Väth was the one that really stood out of the flock: it was his human energy, power of his music, his ability to control the dance floor what ultimately convinced me to become a deejay.”

Although it wasn’t Sven’s or Valentino’s sound that he wanted to follow. “I’ve started with house, explored the progressive and I guess I could be considered tech-house artist nowadays,” summarizes Matthew who as a very versatile and eclectic artist doesn’t brand himself. He broke trough as a deejay when spotted by Valentino Kanzyani at the party in Croatia: “Valentino is one of the biggest figures in my life. He’s my brother from another mother,” likes to jest Matthew about their friendship. “He invited me to join his office, where I’ve got introduced to every angle of label management and music promotion business.” 

2009 saw Matthew kicking the dance floors around the globe, from Columbia to Turkey,from  Spain to Greece, from Germany To Brazil.