On the last full length podcast, I was joined by my husband Sam who works with me providing wellness packages encompassing herbal medicine, nutrition and fitness.

In this episode, I am joined by another wellness power couple, Tim and Chriss Mogg, otherwise known as Living Moving Being!

The Moggs share their passion for fitness and wellness, how they started working in this industry and what it’s like building a business with your spouse.

It was also fun to chat about why I got into exercise and the wonderful benefits of moving and working out together as a couple.

For more information about what I do, head over to mgherbs.com.au and find me on social media @mgherbsaustralia

To find out more about the Moggs and their inspirational fitness business, head to lmbfitness.com or find Chriss on social media @livingmovingbeing and Tim as @thefitphysio

The post TNN #8 – Wellness In Action with the Living Moving Being Team appeared first on The Wellness Couch.